
Show July 1

Just a reminder that I will be playing with a new group, "Machine Tools", this Friday at the Praxis gallery in Chicago. Come out and listen to some great music and see some great artwork.

Sent from 31ric.


Some riffig randomness craziness

Fun Stuff........

Step 1) Pick any four unique notes, one from each of the drop down menus. Choose what clef you would like the variations to be notated in and select what rhythmic value each note should have.

Step 2) Click on the button labeled "Bergonzify!". Nothing will happen until you click "Notate!", so...

Step 3) So click on the button labeled "Notate!" already! Now you can see (and hear!) all the permutations of the four notes you selected. Click on the examples to access the playback feature and transposing options.