Show Tomorrow Night
Playing with my jazz trio starting at 7 PM CST.
some more thinking time
makes you think
the jury is still out for me on this article, and to be honest i am still reading all of the links and doing my own fact checking, but it makes me think about a lot of things concerning the state of the music industry today.
i encourage everyone to read this with an open mind.
A moment of music
To celebrate one of the hardest grooving bass players ever. Duck you were a huge inspiration to me. Thank you for all of the awesome grooves.
Great Conference
So it was great to see some old friends and meet lots of new people today. Some good talks and some dry ones, and one where the speaker wasn't wearing any pants.......
The new venue this year was awesome, but it was a little different to be around all of those expensive cars with all the good hooch. Saw a good android talk, some SSL/TLS stuff to make you think and a few others that were not necessarily what I thought they would be.
The best thing for me was the sharing of information and open discussions with all of the people. Have to give a huge thumbs up for that. Can't wait for THOTCON 2013.
Provided the Mayans are wrong of course......
First Conference
On my way to my first security conference. THOTCON 2012!!! It will be nice to see some old co-workers and meet some new folks as well. More to come later......
Great First Week
We just finished our first week run of the show. Overall, great performances. I am proud of the show we put on. As a whole.
We always crtitique our personal performance pretty harshly. It is important in a musical to realize that you are just one small part of the whole thing. Keeping your focus on your job but the show as a whole is important.
More to come.
Keep kearning.
new gig
Machine Tools is playing the elbo room on March 28th!
Busy, Busy, Busy....
Man..... Just got my calendar together. It is going to be a VERY busy couple of months for me coming up. Will keep everyone posted on the performances coming up. Lots of musical performances, a potential Machine Tools show coiming up, and maybe even an 31ric show as well.
Chicago Weekends
Busy music weekend for me. Need to run by the music store, have a rehearsal with souhial and jason, then rehearsal for the musical on Sunday. Going to be playing a lot of bass in the coming days. How awesome is that!
Welcome to the new blog
hopefully this one sticks around for a little while. I will be making changes to the layout to get things in order. stay tuned!
New Track!
chip jazz?
Stay tuned!
Setting up some new Machine Tools tracks.
Setting up some new tracks for Machine Tools. Bringing them into the practice space tomorrow. Can't wait to hear the bass and guitar smashing all over them!
Careful of Educational Scams
So I am sitting in a workshop for musicians, promoters, producers, etc. and I am really bored out of my skull. The guy has his sales pitch down, and he is really working his audience, but at the end of the day he is really trying to hard to sell us his product.
In this case he wants us to sign up for his educational courses on music production, music business, whatever. If he would quit name dropping I could maybe find out about the structure of his courses.
Be careful of anyone that tries to sell you too hard.
Going to Jam tonight.
Always fun meeting new people and just jamming. Seeing what comes out. Good stuff to me man.......!
Not enough hours.......
There are just not enough hours in the day. Got home from work, practiced the acoustic bass for an hour or so, guitar for a wee bit, and then penelope and next thing i know it is bedtime. Still, I am getting a lot more done since I gave up watching TV.
new app
Just setup the new blogger application for android. Good stuff so far. Looking forward to many more posts in the future.......!