"Richard Nixon: A Fantasy" by David Frye
Producing Unique Pop with Lido
Masterclass :: Dominique Ansel
"Bongos From the South" by Edmundo Ros & His Orchestra
"La Comparsa" has a cool little groove to it. The woodwinds have a catchy little ostinato, that sets up the rest of the song as you clave away. Banjos get broken out for "My old Kentucky home", but the xylophone almost makes it sounds like a cartoon.
"Brazil" has some moments that make me think "Caravan" from Duke Ellington, but it is a catchy up tempo number regardless. This was a fun tune to end the side. All in all, side 1 was well worth the $1 alone so far. Some very catchy tunes on here, and some parts I am sure have been sampled through the years. Moving on to side 2.
From the insert |
Ableton :: Evolving Pads in Wavetable
Thanks for this video!
I very much like how you went into more detail about why you made such choices. The explanation between high and low settings for various settings was great. Moving the slider so you could hear it, and giving some words to it.
Review:: masterclass:: St. Vincent
More semi-complete things.
Really not much too this one. Super short compared to others. This however could be a good class for someone just starting out and they need a quick tour of the bigger picture of the entire music process.
Taking a riff to a full song. She talks about getting to love changing your idea. Don't let it keep you stuck in a form or concept. Take this song, and record it. This could be at home or at a studio. Then what?
There is a bit DIY element here to these videos. However it comes across a bit like this course is thrown together quickly. Maybe that is why it is shorter.